Sunday, March 15, 2009

Parenting the Hard Stuff

One of the hardest things about being a parent is helping your child through the hard things in life. I guess that's why I haven't posted much about us lately, and letting the recipes and American Idol take over. Each one of our children is going through "stuff" right now and since they are all different ages it is taking all of our parenting moxie to work with each child, right where they are at.

Headless Boy #2 was sick a couple of weeks ago and the Urgent Care doc mentioned something about his pupils being "kinda wonky" (my words), and said to check with his regular doctor the next week. When we did she sent us to the pediatric opthamoligist. We saw him last week and now I know why each of the other doctors were concerned. (I did not consult Dr. Google so I wouldn't be freaked out, thank goodness!) Specifically, they were concerned that his pupils were not equal, and not reacting to light in the same fashion. After seeing 3 different people this morning the third one finally said that the reaction, or lack of, in the pupils can indicate a tumor in the eye(s). After reading the notes from the other 2 doctors and examining HB#2 he does NOT think that there is any problem, including a tumor. He gave me a few things to look for, just in case, and a follow up appointment in 6 months. *wipes brow* Thank goodness there is nothing. But that's not all for HB#2. He is also having another 'issue' (that I won't be blogging about specifically,) that is requiring medical testing. This is another issue that I'm not really worried about but the fact that he is being sent for tests makes me pause. If they don't find anything, I'll think "I was right!", but if I'm wrong? and there is a problem? I'll feel like crap because this is something that has been going on for a long time and I'll just be the crappy mom that blew off her kids' health.

Being a parent can be hard, even when you have "normal" kids. Believe me, I am so blessed to have healthy children. I am aware that I could have it much worse. This is what I have to handle. It's not easy, but I never said that it was the 'worst' thing.

I'll have to post about the others another day...believe me, this isn't easy. I do want to be sensitive to their privacy, so if you have a question about a specific issue feel free to email me.

Headless Mom


headless girl :] said...

you can go all out for my issues!!!


Keetha Broyles said...

Parenting is very hard, and doesn't get any easier when they are grown and gone - - -

I'm sure THAT is very reassuring and comforting for you - - -

Just sayin'

Anonymous said...

hang in there Headless et al, you know I am just a phone call away!!

kyooty said...

Your so right, sometimes it's hard to parent.

Natalie said...

we have been having some issues around our house as well. guess that just comes with the territory! hope all goes well for you guys. i'll be thinking about you.

Carmen said...

HEY! WE are having unbloggable issues AS WELL. I'm totally copying you!


Sure does cramp your writing, doesn't it?

Scribbit said...

Wise not to google it--it does matter what medical condition I'm looking up if I read about it after ten minutes I'm sure I've got it. Or that one of the kids does.

I sure hope he's better soon and that the other issues resolve as well.

Heather said...

(hugs) It's no fun to parent these hard things that pop up, and I understand your not wanting to dish about it. Hope all goes well and gets better, and btw - if the 2nd thing does come back as something it DOES NOT make you a "crappy mom who blew off her kids' health." Some things are not as obvious as others and we as moms do not all have MD's so quit chastising yourself! :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry about your family "issues"! We all go through them at some time which doesn't make it any easier. Just know there are strangers rooting for you. Your kids are lucky to have such caring parents to help them through the rough stuff. Best of Luck!

Anonymous said...

I didn't believe the daughter when she told me the words on the white board at school were blurry, but not the red words. Her teacher said she wasn't squinting....I thought she just wanted to change seats cuz she didn't like the boy she was seated next to. ONE YEAR LATER.....I finally took her to the eye doctor and was informed she couldn't see clearly past her outstretched hand.

You can join my club anytime! :)

Hang in can vent by email if you want!

Anonymous said...

Hope all is ok. I took my son in recently for an issue I thought was no big deal that had also been going on for a while and was shocked (and felt terribly guilty) when the doctor ordered more tests. So I'm so with you. (No results yet.)

Steph said...

I'm so sorry you're all going through this! I hate being a parent on these kinds of days...

I have some things that make me kind of concerned with in regards to BabyAm, but they don't seem MAJOR to me, and taking her to the doc, just seems like a waste of everyones time. I think I going to regret this later?

Where is our childrens manual? Hasn't someone found one by now???