Sunday, May 29, 2011

Mission Sunday: It's Personal

When she was 6 and meeting my parents for the first time, they asked what she wanted to be when she grew up. "A Pediatrician."


When she was 11 she came home from youth group one night and said that she was called to be a medical missionary to Sudan, Africa.


At 13 she was a part of a youth mission group that went to Guatemala for 2 1/2 weeks.


At 20, her dreams will begin to come true. This is the organization that will take my baby to Africa on the first of many journeys to that far off land.

Malawi Mountian Project - Water Wells For Africa from WaterWellsForAfrica Org on Vimeo.


As her mother I have a dozen emotions about this, but it all boils down to this: Missions is her calling, and God would not have called her if He didn't intend on keeping her safe. So I trust that He will be as faithful to her as she is to Him. As much as her father and I love her, God loves her more. It's that simple, yet that complicated.

For 6 1/2 weeks this summer our girl will be in Africa: helping with medical clinics, at water well dedications, ministering to the people of Malawi, doing youth programs.

If you would like to partner with her in for this trip, here are a couple of ways you can help:

Pray: We are all called to pray for missionaries. Will you add the team to your prayers for the months of June and July?  If you would like to officially be a prayer partner with us, please email me (headlessfamily5 at gmail dot com) and I can give you more details of the trip and some specific things that the team has asked for us to pray for.

Give: Some are called to give, and if this is you, here are a few ways to do so.
Water Wells For Africa: Donations page. (They accept Pay Pal. Easy!)
Send Ben to Africa One young man's unique way to raise the money for the trip. Ben will be shooting a documentary of the WWFA work while he is on the trip.

You see? It's personal.

Headless Mom


Busy Mom said...

That is awesome, you must be very proud!

Karen r said...

Well said:) you have raised an amazing young woman!

Rocks In The Wash said...

What an exciting adventure she is on! Our 6th grade class this year, made "sock animals" for a group that goes to 3rd world countries and fixes cleft palets, etc.. It was a great experience to watch the 12-year-olds go through a change and want to give service to help those that were getting the surgeries. I pray she will be safe and come home with stories that will last her a lifetime!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I will definitely be praying for her. ((HUGS))

HolyMama! said...

WOW! Job well done there, HM!!