Sunday, June 5, 2011

It's "Pick Your Story" Week

I have so much to update everyone on so we're going to play a game. What story would you like to hear first?

Option 1: Headless Boy #2's possibly broken foot. (This may require a sequel since it's not over yet.)
Option 2: Headless Mom went to Vegas!
Option 3: Duh! You'd think I was 13 again. (This one is just for the ladies.)
Option 4: Smorgasbord (There is an option 4 but I can't remember what it is right now.) 

To vote, just comment with your choice of options! I'll count votes when I sit down to write. Vote early, vote often. Tell all your friends!
Headless Mom


Teresa Kander said...

Option #1....along with any necessary sequels. :)

Kizz said...

Option 3! Option 3! But I understand that your whole life might be about Option 1 right now so you might have to go with that.

Stimey said...

Option 3! Second choice Option 2. Although poor Boy #2! Maybe Option 1.

There are too many numbers in this post. I am confused.

Keetha Broyles said...

Option 3 please!

Rocks In The Wash said...

I say post in sequence of the happenings. :)

Pearl said...

I'm eager to hear about #3, followed of course, by 1, 2, and 4! ;-)

kyooty said...

option 3, then 2 and 1 and 4

carmen said...



You know I want to hear them all.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Option one! Next would be three!

HolyMama! said...

3 then 1, but all of them as soon as #1 permits enough blogging time, and I am SO sorry to hear about that even without further details. OW. poor baby.