Wednesday, July 20, 2011


After 2 weeks of vacation, a week of company, and a veg-out day yesterday, I finally feel like myself today. (Which, of course will even improve when I take a shower, wash my hair, and shave my legs tomorrow morning. You know, cause you asked.)

As much as I hate to have to do the whole 're-entry' part of exercising after laying off for, oh about 6 months, I know that I feel better. I've been doing my usual, about 3 miles, while my #2 is doing football conditioning. I hate it for the most part but after a go-day like today I'm glad I did it. Stretching is helping the foot situation. I haven't seen any results on the scale yet but that will come. See, football starts 5 days a week next Monday, so rather than just 2 days, I'll be walking/running 5. Hopefully those 10 lbs. I 'found' this winter will lose themselves again. Pesky little buggers.

I'm really finding it hard to believe that there is only 2 1/2 weeks left before the kids start school. Like I said the other day, there is so much going on that I can hardly see straight. August will be even worse. And, so much for any summer projects. I've gotten virtually nothing done. Maybe fall will be the charm?

The kids have had an awesome summer. Scout camp, friends over, swimming with friends, vacations (plural!) I hope that they remember this summer as fun, because it mostly has been. I remember back to June when #1 kept saying "Mom, I'm bored," and my response was, "Hey, enjoy it now because come July we'll be so busy that you'll wish you were bored." I was right!

As much as I dread school starting, and it feels like it came WAY too fast, I know that I'll be ready for the routine again. I'm not looking forward to homework and having to rush to football every night. Believe me. Routine will be good though, and we have a couple of weeks to ease into it.

So, yeah, I'm totally feeling like myself again. Hi, Me! Nice to see you! (I mean Me. I mean.... Oh, whatever.)
Headless Mom


Melisa Wells said...

I've still got 4 weeks til school starts here, and though normally I'm itching for the school year routine to start because summer has infringed upon my schedule, it's been WAY easier this year because everybody is working (and therefore not hanging around all bored and stuff)!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Glad your feeling that way, you have been so busy. Enjoy these next few weeks.

Mary @ A Simple Twist Of Faith said...

Wow! Your summer has gone by fast!

We are in our 5th week of summer, this week was Vacation Bible School, which meant a three hour a day vacation for Me! I really needed it.

Liz@thisfullhouse said...

School starts up again after Labor Day, so, for us, seems like summer just started. Then again, I'm looking forward to hanging out with myself...I mean month...with me...oh, you know what I mean, right?!?

Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

I dread back to school! Waaah! I can't believe how much more relaxed i am when there's no homework!