As you know, certain health issues run in families. Some have heart disease, some have diabetes. Over the last several years we have come to find out that our family has intestine issues. Isn't that quaint? Luckily, so far, I don't have any issues, but that doesn't mean that it can't happen. My aunt has Crohn's Disease, and if you've ever known anyone with any type of IBS, you know it's awful.

Next Sunday, September 25, 2011, the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America is hosting a walk to raise money to find a cure for digestive diseases in Memphis, Tennessee. If you happen to be in Memphis and want to find out more, visit the event website, Take Steps, Be Heard for Crohn's and Colitis.
Since I can't be there on Sunday to walk, I'm doing the next best thing. I'm donating to my aunt's team, Curbside Casseroles. I'd really love it if you could too. Every little bit helps, and that other group that is raising lots of money in October already gets a lot of help. (Not that there's anything wrong with them, of course.)
Come on, Internetz, help a gal out? Thank you in advance!
OK, yes, my brother also suffers from Colitis. We also have a cousin that is affected.
You should hear our dinner table conversations when we all get together. *Ahem*
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