Tuesday, January 17, 2012

SOPA Blackout

I know that I'm not a brainiac. Nor am I a coder. What I am is an internet writer that will be effected by the SOPA and PIPA internet bills that are before Congress and the Senate right now.

The way I understand them, these laws will make 99% of the users of the internet and producers of internet content into FELONS. While I don't condone piracy or stealing, these bills go way too far to protect a very few.

If you would like to understand it all better you can check out the following articles:

About the blackout, and a video that explains it better: SOPA Blackout Set For January 18
A detailed look at the SOPA bill on Mashable: Why SOPA is Dangerous

I know that this site isn't 'blacked out' but this is what I can do. For those of you so inclined, look for ways to contact your representatives and let your voice be heard. This stuff is scary, y'all.

Edited to add: Here is a link to a petition. I signed and so should you.
Edited again: A brilliantly funny and Not Safe for Children or probably Work explanation from The Oatmeal
Headless Mom


Heather said...

what happened to having just having freedom of speech and being able to express how you feel in your OWN way... This SOPA thing has me quiet newrvosu!

Heather said...

quite* nervous* obviously my pain mes are kicking in & its time for bed!

Liz@thisfullhouse said...

I'm not blacked-out, but a bit more gray-ish today. Words like censorship and boycott make me itch something fierce.