Saturday, November 4, 2017

All That Jazz

As you may remember, my Headless Boy #1 got the music gene. He plays piano, saxophone (all of the common ones: soprano, alto, tenor, and bari,) clarinet, and dabbles in trumpet, flute and drums. He's crazy talented, but even more, he is driven to have a career in music. More on that later.

He's a senior this year and turning 18 soon. Moms, you know what that means! I probably have less than a year of him still living under our roof full time. Besides the fact that I really like the person that he is, I love to listen to the music that he creates. If you don't have a musical kid you'll never know the unique pleasure that comes from listening to him practice, write, and give concerts to an audience of one, (or two or three.) There is something magical about him sitting at our piano and making it sing, or sitting in his room improvising over a jazz backing track making it feel like you're getting your own, private concert. I am not wasting this time.

Recently we had the pleasure of being able to watch him perform twice in a week with local bands. For your listening pleasure......... Enjoy!

(If this one doesn't upload properly I'll come back and fix it. Promise!)

1 comment:

Melisa Wells said...

My younger son used to play guitar AND mix music on a DJ turntable. I loved having that as background noise to whatever I happened to be doing in the house, and miss it a lot! Soak it up while you can, friend! (and hang onto those recordings!)