Monday, May 26, 2008

A Call to Prayer- Memorial Day

Reprinted from an insert in our church bulletin, May 25, 2008:

Congress passed a law on May 11, 1950 that instuted Memorial Day and it was intended to be a national day of prayer for peace. These words from the White House Memorial Day Proclamation make clear the intent:
Section 169g. Memorial Day as day of prayer for permanent peace- "The President is authorized and requested to issue a proclamation calling upon the people of the United States to observe each May 30, Memorial Day, by praying, each in accordance with his religious faith, for permanent peace; designating a period during such day in which all the people if the United States may unite in prayer for a permanent peace; calling upon all the people of the United States to unite in prayer at such time; and calling upon the newspapers, radio stations, and all other mdiums of information to join in observing such day and period of prayer."
Though the observance of the holiday has now been changed to accommodate a longer holiday weekend, the call for Americans to pray is just as urgent.
How much would our nation be changed if we all prayed today? How much would God bless us if we, collectively, as a nation, got to our knees today and asked for forgiveness, knowledge, and the bounty that the Lord has for us?

I challenge each one of you reading to pray with me today. Pray for our nation's leaders, for world leaders, for peace, for the poverty stricken lands, for your hometown, your neighbors, your family.

Let's see what God will do.