Sunday, November 5, 2017

My Babies

It's not often this happens anymore. I'm glad I got it on film!

HG was able to come for her youngest brother's 16th birthday a couple of weeks ago. It's tough when she lives so far away and her brothers think she hung the moon. For the first few years since she got married we've been able to see her a couple of times a year since she lived in Colorado but earlier this year she and her husband moved to Mississippi. I'm afraid that we're not going to see her as often in the coming years which is a bummer because we really enjoy their company.  Another reason to celebrate her... She finished her Masters Degree in Healthcare administration last January. I just realized that makes her the most educated person in our family. Well done, Bug!!

I have loved my children at every stage, but I am really enjoying them as they grow into adults. We raised some pretty cool humans.


Melisa Wells said...

This is awesome. It's always so great to have the entire family under one roof. I've got that coming up for Thanksgiving and I can't wait!
(love that picture!)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Love that picture. So glad you all got to spend time together.