Monday, August 15, 2011

People of BlogHer '11

I've been doing this for a few years now... the following is a list of the people that I met (and exchanged cards with) at BlogHer in San Diego last week. It is by no means exhaustive. There are many people that I spent time with and didn't exchange cards with. Please also check out my lists from 09 and 10 for links to other great blogs and their writers that I've met in past years. If I forgot you here please leave a comment with a link to your blog so we can visit!

Kim from Mommy Knows

Kay from Buck$ome Boomer

Rhea from OhRheally

Kathleen from Life with Boys

Holly from CultureMom

Michelle from Honest and Truly

Melisa from Suburban Scrawl

Lynn at Walking With Scissors

Laura from Adventures in Juggling

Heather from Domestic Extraordinaire


Lua from Miss Lulu Blogs

Megan from Sunshine Wonderland

Jean from Gluten Free Doctor

Careless Camper (Not what it sounds like!)

Brie from Capital Mom

Just One Miss

Kim from Crazy in Alabama

Karoli from Drums and Whistles

Renee from But Why Mommy

Aimee from Greeblemonkey

A special shout out to my roommates and suitemates: Liz, Christina, Shannon, Elizabeth and Jenn. And, of course, my BlogHer wouldn't have been complete without Carmen. I love you ladies more than you know. Now, can we go meet by the pool now?
Headless Mom


Kizz said...

It was great to see you, even briefly, on that first day. Hope the rest of your time in SD was equally sunny and delightful!

Pearl said...

Oh, I so wished I could have gone. (Darn husband, going and getting a hip replacement ruined everything...mutter mutter mutter...) I'm glad you had a great time--I hope to see you in NYC again next summer!

Melisa Wells said...

I WISH, dude. I keep sitting here ordering drinks, and my husband looks at me like I'm nuts...

Megan said...

It was totally meant to be that i met you at the Hershey s'mores suite! A fellow IE'er, I am so excited!

Kim said...

I LOVED meeting you HeadlessMom! It was one of the highlights of Blogher. See you in NYC :)

Lynn @ Walking With Scissors said...

Yee ha!! I love lists! Thanks for putting me on yours. Even though it was a very brief "two ships passing in the mid afternoon" meeting, it was great all the same! :)